Eva Wierenga
Partner at EY
Are employees supported enough to make the right choices regarding their pension under the WTP?

With the WTP all pension plans will be transferred into a defined contribution plan where investments risks will be for the (collectivity) of the employees. Employees can make certain (investment) choices with respect of their pensions. Besides the investment strategy it is important that the employees are supported and informed to make the right choices and to take the responsibility for their own future financial wellbeing. Based on market practices we like to discuss questions like: Do the employees have sufficient information and knowledge to make these choices? Are the employees informed enough by e.g. the pension fund or insurance company to make the right individual choices and how do we assess this? Are the employees sufficient activated to make a choice at all?
Eva Wierenga works in the EY Actuarial team since 2004 and is nowadays one of the actuarial partners within EY. She qualified as an actuary and specialized as a pension actuary and is member of the board of the EY pension fund. Eva helps amongst others pension funds and pension administrators with the transition towards the New Pension Law. Her specialism in mergers & acquisition will help along this way.